Another Runnebaum Christmas for the photo albums. It's always a great time. Here is Greg with his brother, Mark and across the table are two of his many nephews, Jerry and his brother, David.
Everyone was yelling at me to get a picture of Lu and Aunt Shirley (the one on the right) since they look so much alike. Mom R. is in the middle.
And Santa shows up!!
Taylor, our little artist of the family. What a wonderful picture she drew of her and grandpa.
The look on Amy's face says it all, "John, quit clowning around." I think he thought he had to borrow Mom's walker.
"Oh, is it my turn?" We usually have 27 or so women and about the same amount of men for our gift exchanges. It's a hoot!
Come on, Charlie, SMILE! Ava and Charlie - adorable cousins!
"What'd ya get, honey?"
And now for the Santa gifts. No one is immune to getting a Santa gift. Just make sure you behave throughout the year or you could be the center of some harassing by your dear and loving family members. Ha!