I write and write and write. I am looking for authors and down-to-earth people who share my interest and can give a novice, like myself, good advice in this exciting but demanding field. Looking forward to hearing from you. God Bless!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My strong boys

Michael has gotten on a workout kick. Which is good. I would like for all of us as a family to workout together. Maybe then we would all stick with it. I was downstairs tonight trying to find 10 measly minutes to get some crunches in. Of course, as soon as I disappeared, I heard..."Mommy...mommy". Greg temporarily took care of the "Mommy, mommy" and when I got my crunches done and came upstairs I found Michael and Vince into my dumb bells. They were so cute. Check out the video of Michael. He was doing so many reps that he was having trouble lifting the weight...it was hilarious!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cracking up! Especially at Michael. He was having such a hard time and wanted to make sure everyone knows how heavy that weight is! They're both so cute!
